ss_blog_claim=717b5d5b567d542ee432bc6c41d5dfbf What Are Allergies?

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are triggered by various allergy-causing substances which are termed allergens. Allergens can vary but typically and most often are things such as pollens, molds, and animal dander. In the springtime, typical allergens are pollens that come from grasses and trees, a common one is ragweed. During the rest of the year, other allergens such as pet dander, mites found within house dust, and molds are common.
Most people who have allergies have inherited them; however, allergies can develop on their own later in life and are quite often mistaken for a persistant cold or many colds. People with allergies have an antibody called IgE (immunoglobulin E). This substance causes an excessive reaction to allergens. Basically allergies is your bodies immue system trying to figfht what is a safe foreign object but for whatever reason has decided to fight it whereas in other people the body would ignore it. Typical allergy symptoms may include repetitive and prolonged sneezing, a runny or plugged nose, itchy, watery, red or swollen eyes, and itchy throat. Other common allergic reactions include skin and intestinal problems, such as hives, itchiness, rashes, diarrhea and headache. Lymph node pr gland swelling in the neck for cronic prolonged allergies, including even a feeling of a tooth ache where there is no evidence of dental problems, as well sudden flashes of fever like situations. Some patients also have a hard time swallowing with a feeling of a constricted throat or very well have a sore throat when they first wake or a tickle throughout the day in their throat.

Are allergies life-threatening?

Allergies are rarely life-threatening, but serious allergic reactions can occur. These include swelling of the respiratory passages, shortness of breath, and anaphylactic reaction. People who suffer from allergies have an increased chance of developing respiratory infections and may be more susceptible to developing asthma. The majority of allergy sufferers are affected by reduced efficiency in daily activities, decreased energy levels, and a reduced quality of life.