Anaphylaxis is rare, but it is a severe allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis can occur after exposure to an allergy-causing substance (including allergy shots: hence the 30 minute wait afterwards). If you have a history of allergies or a family history of anaphylactic reactions, you may be at higher risk of having an anaphylactic reaction. Causes of anaphylaxis include certain medications, latex, insect bites and stings, and foods such as peanuts, shellfish, and dairy products and sometimes immunotherapy or allergy shots. Anaphylactic reactions are rarely caused by pollens.
Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include any of the following:
-intense itching or burning
-sneezing or coughing
-flushing, redness of the skin
-watery eyes
-tightness in chest/difficulty breathing
-tongue swelling
-rapid/weak pulse
-decreased/low blood pressure
If you should ever think you have had an anaphylactic response, you should see an allergy specialist. The specialist will evaluate your symptoms and ask questions related to your exposure and reactions to different allergy-causing substances. This will determine if you have possibly had an anaphylactic response, and if so, what has possibly triggered it. Allergy testing most likely will also be part of the evaluation to determine what you are allergic to or if you may have other unknown allergies. Although anaphylaxis is rare, it is extremely serious and potentially life-threatening. One out of every 2.5 million people per year dies from anaphylaxis.
Epinephrine (commonly known as adrenaline) is the drug that is most commonly used to treat anaphylaxis. If you are found to be at risk, then your doctor or specialist may recommend you carry an epinephrine kit, which includes a self-injecting shot. The shot can be self-administered, and should be given immediately after the reaction until professional medical attention is possible. Professional medical attention should be attained as soon as possible after any anaphylaxic reaction has occured. You may also want to wear a MedicAlert bracelet indicating your condition and instruct family members and friends on how to administer the epinephrine (Shot) in case you have a reaction and are unable to administer it to yourself. Better to be safe than sorry.
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